Christian Dance Academy
DSP Parent Portal
CDA uses DanceStudio-Pro studio management software. Through the DSP Parent Portal, you have access to your account, class schedules and a host of other information. If you don't have login details, let the office know and we will send you the information you need.
Regular Communication
We've found that no single method suits everybody, so we've narrowed it down to these three:
WhatsApp (073 935 0598)
We use WhatsApp for the majority of regular communication. You will be added to a WhatsApp class group for the level/s that your dancer/s are in. (Please contact the office if you are not part of your child's group.) These groups are set to 'Admin Only' to prevent them from getting too busy.
Usually info is sent out via WhatsApp and email.
Hard Copy
Notices with reply slips will usually be sent home in hard copy as well.
NB: Always return reply slips, even if your dancer is not taking part. You can return them via email, by hand or WhatsApp photo to the CDA phone.
Social Media
Facebook & Instagram
We'd love you to follow and like us on Facebook and Instagram. Like and share the posts that you find meaningful and spread the love!